CTSFW Resources
For the Church
Library Catalog Search
CTSFW Media Site
Over 10,000 sermons, articles, teaching videos and other resources for the Church.
CTSFW Video Site
CTSFW’s extensive video library, including past chapel services and symposia lectures among other resources for the Church.
More Library Resources
The Wayne and Barbara Kroemer Library makes a number of resources available to CTSFW community members, alumni, pastors, and the church-at-large.
For the Life of the World
The official magazine of Concordia Theological Seminary.
Concordia Theological Quarterly
CTQ provides the best in Lutheran theology, cultural insight and homiletical helps for the theologian and parish pastor alike.
CTSFW Textbooks
Want to see what textbooks our students are using in their classes?
CTSFW Bookstore
The CTSFW Bookstore supplies materials for students, as well as many other useful products for the future pastor’s library.
Daily Scripture Readings
Daily readings from the Word of God.
For Pastors and Church Musicians
Lectionary Podcast
Insights from CTSFW Faculty about the readings for next Sunday.
Resources for Worship
CTSFW provides worship resources for congregational use. You can find Worship Podcasts offering specific guidance and recommendations for different liturgical seasons, as well as settings, graduals, antiphons and additional materials written by our Kantors and other CTSFW musicians.
Greek Readings
Download the latest Greek Readings worksheets for the Three-Year Lectionary
For Alumni
Alumni Electronic Journal Access
Atlas PLUS for Alum provides graduates of CTSFW with access to the Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS (Atlas PLUS). The Atla Religion Database includes indexes of over 2,400 journal titles while Atlas PLUS provides full text for over 540 of those titles. If you are a graduate of CTSFW and would like to gain access to Atlas for Alum, please email your request to library@ctsfw.edu.
Request a Transcript
Request a transcript of your work at CTSFW or Concordia Senior College
Placement Lists
Lists for vicarage assignments, deaconess internships and candidate placements.
Rev. Dr. Timothy R. Puls
- Director of Alumni and Church Relations