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Concordia Theological Seminary

6600 N. Clinton St.

Fort Wayne, IN 46825

(260) 452-2155

Additional Information

(800) 481-2155



Concordia Theological Seminary

exists to form servants in Jesus Christ

who teach the faithful, reach the lost,

and care for all.

Plan Your Own Visit

Free. On-campus housing and meals provided.

You can plan your own visit to our community to

discern, contemplate, and meditate upon God’s

calling to the vocation of pastor or deaconess. We

will provide you with housing and meals and

arrange for you to tour the campus, attend classes,

worship in Kramer Chapel, and visit with faculty

and current students. Call the Admission Office at

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne

(CTSFW), or complete the online form at visit- ctsfw/plan-your-own-visit or scan the

QR code.

Prayerfully Consider Visit

Dates: October 10–12, 2024

March 20–22, 2025

July 10–12, 2025 (Family friendly)

October 9–11, 2025

March 19–21, 2026

July 9–11, 2026 (Family friendly)

October 8–10, 2026

Fee: None. On-campus housing and meals


Register: or scan QR Code for more


This is an excellent opportunity for second-career and

college students to explore and learn more about the

Office of Holy Ministry and diaconal service, giving future

pastors and deaconesses a firsthand look at CTSFW.

During this free weekend you attend classes, talk with

current students, meet faculty members, and worship in

Kramer Chapel. Experience and be enriched by an in- depth look at the theological formation that takes place

at CTSFW and meet fellow brothers and sisters who are

also contemplating these vocations.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Updated September 2024

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Christ Academy:

Confirmation Retreat

Dates: February 21–23, 2025

September 19–21, 2025

February 13–15, 2026

September 18–20, 2026

Fee: $120 per person includes

on-campus housing and meals

For more information about Confirmation Retreats

please email us at

This weekend retreat is open to students who are

receiving confirmation instruction from their pastor.

Led by an ordained pastor, each retreat focuses on a

different catechetical theme.

Christ Academy: Timothy School

For High-School-Age Men

Dates: June 15–28, 2025

June 14–27, 2026

Tuition: $750 per person includes

on-campus housing, meals,

and all activities for two weeks

For more information about Timothy School please

email us at

What will you do after high school? Is the Office of

Holy Ministry something you have thought about or been

encouraged to consider? If so, join us for a two-week

retreat to explore the pastoral ministry, participate in

theological studies, and form lasting friendships.

Christ Academy: Phoebe School

For High-School-Age Women

Dates: June 15–28, 2025

June 14–27, 2026

Tuition: $750 per person includes

on-campus housing, meals,

and all activities for two weeks

For more information about Phoebe School please

email us at

Are you trying to decide what direction to go after high

school? Does sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through

acts of mercy and human care sound like something you

could do? Then come and explore diaconal service,

participate in theological studies, meet deaconesses,

and form lasting friendships.

Is God Calling Me to Serve?

Christ Academy: College

Dates: October 25–27, 2024

October 24–26, 2025

October 23–25, 2026

Fee: None. On-campus housing

and meals provided.

Register: (for men or women)

For College-Age Men

You have heard our Lord’s command to “pray earnestly

to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his

harvest” (Matt. 9:38). So, where do you go from here?

Learn how CTSFW forms faithful men to serve as pastors

according to a confessional, solidly Lutheran identity

based on the Holy Scriptures as you attend classes,

worship in Kramer Chapel, and meet faculty members

and students.

For College-Age Women

Jesus calls us to a life of charity and bids us to “Be

merciful, even as our Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).

Join us at this on-campus event to discern your call to

share God’s mercy through diaconal care. Attend

classes, meet faculty and students, worship in Kramer

Chapel, and learn about the rich, scripturally-based

theological studies offered at CTSFW, which equip and

prepare women to share God’s love and mercy.

Explore this question from a

theological perspective.

Concordia Theological Seminary offers a variety of faith- based opportunities for prospective students to explore

and learn more about the Office of Holy Ministry and

diaconal service.