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Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN


Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN

Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies

About the PhD in Theological Studies

In the fall of 2018, CTSFW launched the PhD in Theological Studies (PhD-TS) program to answer the call of LCMS leadership and partner churches who wanted CTSFW to offer a doctoral program in the areas of Confessional Lutheran Studies and Biblical Studies, a vision at this seminary since the late 1980s. The program especially trains future confessional Lutheran professors and researchers of theology for service in the US and around the world.

The Master of Sacred Theology (STM) program has been offered as an advanced academic degree that prepares students for doctoral work or enriches pastoral ministry.

In the fall of 2024, the faculty undertook significant revisions to the two programs, which will go into effect in the summer of 2025.

STM / PhD-TS Year 1

The two programs are now integrated closely. The STM is a one-year residential program and is the same as the first year of the PhD-TS, which is also residential. Its purpose is to guide students to become competent theological researchers, including extensive use of the German language, which is essential at the STM and PhD-TS level. This one residential year (STM or first year of PhD-TS) includes:

  • Intensive Theological German instruction. For ten weeks, with 30 hours of class per week, Theological German class prepares students to read German theological texts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Students who enter already knowing German may test out of this course.
  • Theological German Readings. For one hour a week in the fall, winter, and spring quarters, students will meet with a professor to discuss the theology of significant German theological writings.
  • Research Methodology and Pedagogy. In this seminar, students learn advanced techniques for research, writing, and teaching, with a course focus on historiography and Luther studies.
  • Four other seminar classes. These seminars are taught by experts at the PhD level and cover a wide range of topics.
  • Thesis (Research Methodology Practicum). The thesis, a theological investigation of moderate length (50-75 pages), gives students the opportunity to practice the research skills they have learned under the guidance of faculty.

PhD-TS students who complete the requirements of the first year will be awarded an STM. STM graduates, if accepted into the PhD-TS program, have already completed the first year of this program.

PhD-TS Years 2 through 4

Years 2 and following of the PhD-TS may be pursued either residentially or by reduced residency. Students major in either Confessional Lutheran Studies or Biblical Studies. The requirements for this phase of the program include:

  • Five Seminar Classes. These seminars are offered in both residential and hybrid formats. In hybrid courses, students complete half of the contact hours online and half on campus in a one-week, residential, intensive format. The seminars are taught by experts at the PhD level and cover a wide range of topics. Each of them will lead students toward mastery of the themes and major writings in a theological field. Reduced residency students may take up to one seminar course per quarter.
  • Biblical Language Examination(s). Students in the Confessional Lutheran Studies major must pass an examination in either Biblical Greek or Biblical Hebrew. Students in the Biblical Studies major must pass examinations in Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Aramaic. 
  • Research Language Examination. All PhD-TS students will have already passed examinations in German. Students in the Confessional Lutheran Studies major must pass an examination in an additional research language that they will use for this dissertation research. This will usually be Latin. Students who do not have English as their native language may count English as their research language.
  • Comprehensive Examinations. Students must pass examinations in specific theological areas depending on their major.
  • Dissertation. The dissertation is the major research project (250-300 pages) and crowning achievement in the PhD-TS program.

PhD in Theological Studies Admission Procedures

To start the admission process, please contact the program director, Dr. Naomichi Masaki ( Next, application materials should be requested from and returned to the Graduate Studies Office ( The application will require the following:

  • A completed PhD-TS application form, including a $35 non-refundable application fee and a current photo.
  • Official transcripts of all previous academic and professional training beyond high school.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • A sample theological research paper of approximately 6,000-7,500 words demonstrating the applicant’s abilities.
  • A short essay that expresses a statement of intent.
  • Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency through TOEFL or DuoLingo.

When all application materials have been submitted, the Graduate Studies Committee will consider the application. The program director will inform the applicant of the committee’s decision.

PhD-TS in Theological Studies Admission Requirements

Entry into this degree program requires the Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited theological school, with a 3.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Degree Requirements

Subject AreaQuarter Hours
Theological German3 hours
Biblical Language Exam(s)0 hours
Second Research Language0 hours
Coursework33 hours
Three Comprehensive Exams9 hours
Thesis (Research Methodology Practicum)6 hours
Dissertation9 hours

Students will successfully complete a minimum of 60 quarter hours with a cumulative GPA of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Individual courses will be regarded as successfully completed only when a grade of B or better is received. Students who do not have English as their native language may count English as one of their research languages.

Financial Aid

CTSFW offers graduate assistantships to qualified individuals who have enrolled full-time in the PhD in Theological Studies Program.

Application Due Date

January 15 each year, for entry in the summer.

Contact the Graduate Studies Office

Cindy Johnson
(260) 452-2203



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About the PhD in Theological Studies

The Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies is the highest academic degree program of biblical and confessional Lutheran studies at CTSFW. It enables students to do original research and writing and prepares them for vocations of teaching and research in theological schools, colleges, and universities in the U.S. and around the world, in the areas of Lutheran Confessions, doctrine, and Old and New Testament exegesis.

Contact the Graduate Studies Office

Cindy Johnson

PhD in Theological Studies Admission Procedures

All prospective PhD-TS students should contact the Office of Graduate Studies for the required application materials. The application will require the following:

    1. A completed PhD-TS application form, including a $35 non-refundable application fee.
    2. Official transcripts of all previous academic and professional training beyond high school.
    3. Three letters of recommendation from persons able to evaluate the applicant’s scholarly ability, professional competence and personal character. Please use the forms provided with the application.

  1. Sample theological research paper.
  2. A personal interview with the director of the PhD-TS program or another member of the PhD-TS faculty will usually be required. In certain circumstances it may be waived at the discretion of the director.

PhD-TS in Theological Studies Admission Requirements

  1. Entry into this degree program requires the Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited theological school, with a 3.5 cumulative G.P.A. on a 4.0 scale. For those coming from outside North America, credentials equivalent to the foregoing are required. Credentials for these applicants will be examined by the Graduate Studies Committee on a case-by-case basis.
  2. Applicants whose native language is not English are required to demonstrate a working ability in the English language by means of an acceptable TOEFL score or by means of some other standard English examination.

Degree Requirements

 Subject Area Quarter Hours
Course Work 36 hours
3 Language Exams  0 hours
3 Comprehensive Examinations 12 hours
Dissertation 12 hours

Students will successfully complete a minimum of 60 quarter hours with a cumulative G.P.A. of no less than 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Individual courses will be regarded as successfully completed only when a grade of B- or better is received.