- • The Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Professor of Historical Theology
- • Faculty Marshal
(260) 452-2226
Dr. MacKenzie has been a member of the Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne, faculty since 1983. He holds the Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Chair in German Reformation Studies. He teaches courses in the history of the Christian Church such as Reformation Era, Luther’s Theology, Calvin and Calvinism, Puritanism, and the history of the English Bible.
MacKenzie received his B.A. from the University of Detroit, an M.A. in History from the University of Chicago, an M.A. in Classics from Wayne State University, an S.T.M. in New Testament from CTSFW, and a Ph.D. in History from the University of Notre Dame.
Before joining the CTSFW faculty, he served St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Detroit, Michigan, as pastor (1975–1983) and as headmaster of its school (1972–1983).
He has published many articles in the field of Church History, lectures frequently and is the author of The Battle for the Bible in England, 1557-1582. He has written two LifeLight doctrinal studies, Ministry and End Times and has contributed to several others. He is also the author of The Reformation.
MacKenzie has served The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in a variety of ways including terms of service on the Commission on Theology and Church Relations, the Doctrinal Review Commission, and the Board of Governors of the Concordia Historical Institute.
He is married to Meg (nee Martin) of Midland, Michigan. They have four children and three grandchildren.
Works of Note