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Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN


Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN

We know finances may be tight. Many families are struggling financially and we understand that struggle. Because of that, we’ve made every effort to make the SMP–EsE affordable. The total cost for each year is around $2,000, depending upon the costs of books and travel for the fall intensive course. We make every effort at the Seminary to keep our costs down in order to keep your costs down. It is also typical that congregations or others will assist their students financially through the program.

Cost of Attendance for the 2020-2021 Academic Year
SMP – Español/English Program
(Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Budget)

Tuition $1,000 Based on four required courses per year
Fees $220 $55 per course
Room/Board $235 For one, one-week on-campus intensive
Health Insurance N/A  
Total Cost of Attendance $1,455  

Additional costs to consider include transportation to and from Fort Wayne for the intensives, book and miscellaneous expenses such as an internet broadband connection you may need to acquire.