ons, Circuit Rider"> "keywords" content="St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Cleveland, President"> Friedrich Conrad Dietrich W

>Friedrich Conrad Dietrich Wyneken g src="fcd.jpg" width="600" height="218" align="bottom" alt="Image of F.C.D. Wyneken's Baptismal Certificate" >


Niedersächsisches Staatsarchiv
Am Sande 4c
sches Staatsarchiv
21682 Stade

Transcription:"d 22ten:
Mein, des Pasto und meiner Frau
Anne Catharine Louise gebohrene Meyer d 13ten ph Wynekengebohrener
Sohn, genannt: arine Louise gebohrene Meyer d 13ten Friedrich Conrad DiedrichTaufz: H. H. Dr. Carelson und PostGevatt: Mein Bruder der dänische Major und der SuWyneken zu Ratzeburg und H. Gerichtsverwalter Johann
Diederich Schwarz zu Ritterhude."

-- Transcribed by Matthew Wyneken


"On the 22nd [of May>


"On the 22nd [of MayMy son. The SoAnne Catharine Louise, neé Meyer, who was born on the 13th.
He is named: Friedrich Conrad Diedrich.
on the 13th.
Witnesses of the Baptism: H. H. Dr. Carelson anGodfathers: My brother, the Danish Major and Superintendent

Wyneken of Ratzeburg and Court Administrator Johann
Diederich Schwarz of Ritterhude.

r Johann
-- Translated by

"right">-- Translated by Robert E. Smith

< > er valign=middle> Rev. Robert E. Smith IN 46825 USA
he public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to:

Rev. Robert E. Smith
Walther Library
Concordia Theological Seminary
E-mail: cosmithb@ash.palni.edu
Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne,Phone: (219) 452-21
