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Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN


Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN

Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Concordia Theological Seminary assesses its various academic programs to ensure that students are accomplishing the learning outcomes established for these programs. Additionally, CTSFW reports to the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and monitors the student success measures of time to completion, graduation rate, and vocational placements.

Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity program is our largest academic program. For the most recent ten years, 85.5% of students successfully complete the program in 4 to less than 5 years. Of the 2021/2022 graduates, 91.9% completed the program in this time frame.

ATS uses 6 years as the time in program for the Master of Divinity graduation rate success measure. For the eight years that CTSFW has reported this success measure, the graduation rate is 87.2%. Of the students who began fall 2016, 95.2% graduated by fall 2022.

Reports to ATS show that 100% of all pastoral candidates certified by the faculty and seeking a call to serve as a pastor are placed in a pastoral position. The graduates for the 2021/2022 academic year continue this trend where 100% of those seeking a call were placed. Of these graduates, 8.1% deferred placement for further graduate study.

Vicarage supervisors and members of the faculty directly assess nine student learning outcomes for the Master of Divinity program. The 2021/2022 graduates had a 4.52 average competency on a scale of 5.00, where 5.00 is exceptional. This is slightly above the historical average competency of 4.49 for graduates from 2011/2012 – 2020/2021.