The Seminary Guild
We Pray We Encourage We Support The Seminary Guild
What is the Seminary Guild?
We are women of a variety of ages and backgrounds who work together to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of CTSFW’s students in a number of ways. Women from over 20 congregations in the Fort Wayne area and many women and organizations from around the country are represented in the Guild. By combining our efforts we can make a greater impact on these future servants of Jesus Christ who will teach the faithful, reach the lost and care for all.
Women served Christ in many ways during his time on earth, and their service has continued in the Church to this day. The needs have changed, as have the methods of caring for God’s servants, but the mission has not. We support men and women preparing for the pastoral and diaconal ministry, as well as the worldwide vision of CTSFW to equip servants for the church around the globe.
The mission of the Concordia Theological Seminary Guild is to serve God by communicating the needs and encouraging the support of the seminary and its students. God’s grace enables us to pray, to encourage men and women in our LCMS congregations for the ministry and the deaconess program, and to support the Seminary by providing for its spiritual and physical needs.
Upcoming Events
Contact Information

Miss Phyllis Thieme
CTSFW Seminary Guild - Fort Wayne
Seminary Guild President
Phone: (260) 485-0209
Email: SemGuild@ctsfw.edu
Ongoing Projects