The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941
Table of Contents
Note: These aids to The Lutheran Hymnal
are located at Rev. Richard Jordan's The
Lutheran Hymnal MIDI Project.
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Index to the Lutheran Hymnal
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Index to the Lutheran Hymnal
to the hymns of the Lutheran Hymnal (MIDI Format)
At the Project Wittenberg Archive:
All TLH public domain hymn
texts in a single file (ZIP Format), Courtesy of Rev. Richard Jordan
TLH Hymns:
Now Thy Gates of Beauty" (1732)
Thy Temple I Repair" (1812)
Jesus Christ, Be Present Now" (1651)
Himself Is Present" (1729)
Open Thou My Heart to Hear" (1671)
"Kyrie, God Father in Heaven Above" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
"As We Begin Another Week" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Who the Light This Day" (1835)
Day of Rest and Gladness" (1862)
Is the Day the Lord hath Made" (1719)
through Another Week" (1774)
Day at Thy Creating Word" (1871)
Jehovah's Awe-full Throne " (1719)
People that on Earth do Dwell" (1561)
All that Dwell below the Skies" (1719)
Jesus, at Thy Word" (1667)
Worship the King" (1833)
We Come Before Thee Now" (1745)
Praise to God, Who Reigns Above" (1675)
of Mercy, God of Grace" (1834)
Let Me Now Adore Thee" (1697)
When We Bend Before Thy Throne" (1802)
Let Praises Ring" (1698)
of My Life, Whose Tender Care" (1838)
Will Sing My Maker's Praises" (1659)
"Praise the Almighty, My Soul, Adore Him" (Text
not available. Still under copyright)
Bless the Lord, My Soul" (1719)
Let All Loudly Sing Praise" (1644)
All the Changing Scenes of Life" (1696)
that I Had a Thousand Voices" (1704)
All Thy Mercies, O My God" (1712)
Restored, Forgiven" (1876)
Lord hath Helped Me Hither to" (1699)
Soul Now, Bless Thy Maker" (1525)
of Praise the Angels Sang" (1819)
Thank We All Our God" (1636)
'Tis Not that I did Choose Thee" (1843)
"The Lord, My God, be Praised" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
to the Lord, the Almighty" (1679)
God of Abraham Praise" (1770)
"Wondrous King, All-Glorious" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
"O Thou Love Unbounded" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Sing the Almighty Power of God" (1715)
Lands, to the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise" (1874)
the Hour of Worship O'er" (1680)
What has Now been Sown" (1779)
Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise" (1866)
Blest Are They Who Hear God's Word" (1786)
God, Thy Word is Cast" (1819)
Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing" (1773)
May He Who from the Dead" (1779)
Father, Bless the Word" (?)
O Dearest Jesus" (1628)
Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (1745)
Thou Precious Ransom, Come" (1664)
Came, The Heavens Adoring" (1864)
Bride of Christ, Rejoice" (1600)
Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee?" (1653)
to the Lord's Anointed" (1821)
a Thrilling Voice is Sounding" (c.900)
Comfort, Ye My People" (1671)
Come, Oh, Come, Emmanuel" (c.1100)
Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry" (1736)
Thy Church with Longing Eyes" (1831ab.)
Sinners See Their Lost Condition" (1863)
the Glad Sound! The Savior Comes" (1735)
Soon Will Call Us" (1552)
Advent of Our King" (1736)
Sons of the Kingdom" (1651)
to the Living Lord" (1811; 1827)
Tell Us of the Night" (1825)
Rejoice, Believers" (1700,cento)
Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates" (1642)
He Came in Blessing" (1544)
Sons of Men, Oh, Hearken" (1659)
Great and Mighty Wonder" (734)
My Heart This Night Rejoices" (1653)
"Hail the Day So Rich in Cheer" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Rejoice, This Happy Morn" (1778)
to Thee, Eternal God" (1525)
Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is" (1653)
Rejoicing, Praises Voicing" (1637)
What Mean Those Holy Voices" (1819)
Awake, Salute" (1749)
Heaven Above to Earth I Come" (1535)
"Christ the Lord To Us is Born" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
to the World, the Lord is Come" (1719)
Night a Wondrous Revelation" (1683)
Thee My Heart I Offer" (1653)
Your Hearts and Voices Raising" (1667)
the Earth Now Praise the Lord" (1659)
Sing We, Now Rejoice" (1300)
Lord, We Welcome Thee" (1648)
the Herald Angels Sing" (1739)
of the Nations, Come" (1524)
Rejoice, Ye Christians, Loudly" (1646)
Us All with Gladsome Voice" (1632)
the Father's Love Begotten" (413)
are the Days Fulfilled" (1746)
Sing Out with Exultation" (1705)
Gladsome Light, O Grace" (200)
Come, All Ye Faithful" (18th century)
Shepherds as They Watched by Night" (1543)
Praise We Christ, the Holy One" (1524)
God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men" (1560)
People That in Darkness Sat" (1770)
Christians May Rejoice Today" (1592?)
Sing,Immanuel, Thy Praise" (1653)
Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" (1700)
the Sky the Shades of Night" (1883)
Who Roll'st the Year Around" (1832)
God the Anthem Raising" (1571)
with Ceaseless Course the Sun" (1774)
Name of Wondrous Love" (1854)
Blessed Day When First was Poured" (1726)
the Name of Our Salvation" (1496)
Ancient Law Departs" (1736)
Let Me Dedicate" (1864)
God, We Sing That Mighty Hand" (1755)
Us, O Lord! Behold, We Enter" (1642)
Thy Mercy and Thy Grace" (1642)
Let Us Come Before Him" (1653)
God, Our Help in Ages Past" (1719 )
Lord, Our Father, Thanks to Thee" (1597)
Old Year Now hath Passed Away" (1588)
"Arise and Shine in Splendor" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
with Gladness Men of Old" (1860)
and Best of the Sons of the Morning" (1811)
Thou Source of Every Blessing" (1810)
Jesus, King of Glory" (1606)
Proclaims the King Is Here" (c. 450)
God of God, O Light of Light" (1883)
the Father's House" (1863)
of Thankfulness and Praise" (1862)
Good, Lord, to Be Here" (1888)
from the Realms of Glory" (1816, 1825)
Peace and Joy I Now Depart" (1524)
Light of Gentile Nations" (1674)
His Temple Now Behold Him" (1851, 1853)
I Will Ponder Now" (1653)
by Sin and Bound in Chains" (1760)
Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth" (1648)
Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken" (1630)
Grant that Balm and Healing" (1644)
Refuge of the Weary" (1563)
of God, Pure and Holy" (1531)
Christ, Thou Lamb of God" (1528)
Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light" (1610)
to Calvary's Holy Mountain" (1819)
"Lord Jesus, Thou art Going Forth" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
the Life of All the Living" (1659)
o'er My Sins I Sorrow" (1646)
Smitten, and Afflicted" (1804)
and Did My Savior Bleed" (1709)
the Moments, Rich in Blessing" (1770)
All the Blood of Beasts" (1709)
Is a Fountain Filled with Blood" (1771)
be to Jesus" (18th century)
to Dark Gethsemane" (1820, 1825)
Glory, Laud, and Honor" (821)
Loud Hosanna" (1873)
On, Ride On, in Majesty" (1827)
Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord" (1686)
on That Dark, That Doleful Night" (1709)
the Lamb of God!" (1848)
When in Dust to Thee" (1815)
Darkest Woe" (1628)
Royal Banners Forward Go" (569)
Christ, Our Lord Most Holy" (1550)
Perfect Life of Love" (1875)
the Cross Extended" (1648)
Sacred Head, Now Wounded" (1656)
Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee" (1597)
upon the Awe-full Tree" (1875)
I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (1707)
the Savior of Mankind" (1709)
Blessed Savior Seven Times Spoke" (1515)
Sing the Praise of Him Who Died" (1815)
My Heart Imprint Thine Image" (1689)
in Thy Dying Woes" (1870)
Pitying the Sighs" (1879)
Loving to the End" (1870)
Whelmed in Fears Unknown" (1870)
in Thy Thirst and Pain" (1879)
All Our Ransom Paid" (1879)
All Thy Labor Vast" (1879)
"Christ is Arisen" (Text not available. Still
under copyright)
Jesus Lives!" (1825)
is Arisen! Glorious Word!" (1778)
the Lord is Risen Again" (1531)
the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia!" (11th or 12th Century)
My Heart, With Gladness" (1648)
the Lord is Risen Today" (1739)
with Us, the Day is Waning" (1834)
Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands" (1524)
Am Content! My Jesus Liveth Still" (1704)
Wilt Thou Go Since Night Draws Near" (1674)
"He's Risen, He's Risen, Christ Jesus the Lord"
(Text not available. Still under copyright)
Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia!" (1372)
Know that My Redeemer Lives" (1775)
Lives! The Victory's Won" (1757)
Happy Morning!" (c.590)
Breaks upon the Tomb" (1812)
Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain" (c.750)
Day of Resurrection" (c.750)
Christ, My Sure Defense" (1653)
the Golden Sun Ascending" (1689)
Sons and Daughters of the King" (c. 1600)
Is This that Comes from Edom" (1809)
Strife is O'er, the Battle Done" (1695)
"Lo, Judah's Lion Wins the Strife" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing" (735)
"The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
God to Heaven Ascendeth" (1661)
Us to Thee" (1686)
"On Christ's Ascension I Now Build" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Sing with Exultation" (1623)
the Conqueror Mounts in Triumph" (1862)
Head That Once was Crowned with Thorns" (1820)
My Great High Priest" (1709)
Ten Thousand Harps and Voices" (1806)
Ye Saints, the Sight Is Glorious" (1809)
Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend" (1607)
Holy Ghost, God and Lord" (1524)
Holy Spirit, Come" (1759)
Oh, Come, Thou Quickening Spirit" (1664)
Holy Ghost, in Love" (1200)
Enter, Lord, Thy Temple" (1653)
Spirit, Hear Us" (1816)
Spirit, God of Love" (1778)
Now Implore God the Holy Ghost" (c. 1250, 1524)
Songs of Praises Fill the Sky" (1819)
Holy Ghost, Creator Blest" (856)
Ghost, with Light Divine" (1817)
Holy Spirit, Enter In" (1640)
Spirit, by Whose Aid" (856)
Glory Be to God on High" (1525)
"All Glory Be to God Alone" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Thou Almighty King" (1757)
Most Holy, Merciful, and Tender" (900)
in Whom We Live" (1747)
of Heaven, Whose Love Profound" (1805)
that I Had a Thousand Voices" (1704)
Be to God the Father" (1866)
Loved the World So that He Gave" (1791)
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty" (1827)
the Father, Be Our Stay" (1400)
of Glory, to Thy Name" (1721)
Mighty Seer, in Days of Old" (1526)
God, We Praise Thy Name" (1775)
All Believe in One True God" (1525)
All Believe in One True God" (1668)
One True God We All Believe" (1637)
God, We All to Thee Give Praise" (1543)
of the Morning, So Gloriously Bright" (883)
the Throne of God a Band" (1842)
Brightness of the Father" (856)
of Our Life and God of Our Salvation" (1644)
to the Heedless Winds" (1523)
Lord, Look Down From Heaven, Behold" (1523)
Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word" (1541)
Mighty Fortress Is Our God" (1529)
Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe" (1632)
"Preserve Thy Word, O Savior" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Honor Save, O Christ, Our Lord" (1630)
"O God, Our Lord, Thy Holy Word" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
God Had Not Been On Our Side" (1524)
Mourns in Fear and Anguish" (1636)
Lord, Our Father, Shall We be Confounded" (1630)
Calls Us; o'er the Tumult" (1852)
Supreme, Before Creation" (1856)
"When All the World Was Cursed" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Flowerets of the Martyr Band" (413)
We the Lord This Day" (1846)
"My Soul doth Magnify the Lord" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
unto Me, Ye Weary" (1867)
Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" (1846)
Not, Delay Not, O Sinner, Draw Near" (1831)
Thy Mercy Calls Us" (1861)
O Wanderer, Return" (1806)
Savior Calls; Let Every Ear" (1760)
Come, in Sweetest Measures" (1150)
Word Is Our Great Heritage" (1817)
of Mercies, in Thy Word" (1760)
Precious is the Book Divine" (1782)
Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts" (1719)
Man a Godly Life Might Live" (1524)
Help Us Ever to Retain" (1594)
Law Commands and Makes Us Know" (1709)
Have a Sure Prophetic Word" (1880)
of Our Feet Whereby We Trace" (1826)
Jesus Christ, With Us Abide" (1611)
Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace" (1581)
Word of God Incarnate" (1867)
Law of God Is Good and Wise" (1863)
O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth" (1658)
Gospel Shows the Father's Grace" (1863)
Into Thy Name Most Holy" (1734)
"Dear Father, Who hast Made Us All" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Jesus, We Are Here" (1704)
that Believes and is Baptized" (1689)
Savior Kindly Calls" (1755)
Child We Dedicate To Thee" (1823)
Awe-Full Mystery Is Here" (1880)
Light of Gentile Nations" (1674)
Christ, Thou hast Prepared" (1638)
Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord" (c. 680)
Lord, by Boundless Grace" (1880)
Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee" (1689)
Table I Approach" (1673)
Christ, Our Blessed Savior" (1415)
Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread" (1654)
Lord, We Praise Thee" (c. 1400,1524)
Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray" (1910)
Come, O Savior, to Thy Table" (1710)
Living Bread From Heaven" (1651)
My God, My Sins Are Great" (1613)
Thee, God, Who Knowest All" (1861)
Thee Alone, O Christ, My Lord" (1542)
Jesus, Think on Me" (430)
Faithful God, Thanks Be To Thee" (1572)
Wilt Thou Pardon, Lord" (c. 860)
Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh" (1852)
Sinners Doth Receive" (1718)
Thou that Hear'st when Sinners Cry" (1719)
to Thee I Make Confession" (1649)
of the Deep I Call" (1868)
Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou Art" (1646)
Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee" (1523)
Come to Thee, O Blessed Lord" (1863)
as I Live, Jehovah Saith" (1560)
These Thy Soldiers, Mighty Lord" (1862)
Savior, Who hast Taught Me" (1842)
Me Be Thine Forever" (1572)
maker, Be Thou High" (1735)
God, Accept My Heart This Day" (1848)
Lord and God, Oh, Bless This Day" (1786)
Forever, God of Love" (1847)
Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" (1779)
My Soul, to Joyful Lays" (1782)
Him with Many Crowns" (1851)
of Sinners Though I Be" (1864)
Lovely Shines the Morning Star" (1597)
Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs" (1707)
Lover of My Soul" (1740)
and Shall It Ever Be" (1765)
Priceless Treasure" (1655)
Jesus, Only Jesus" (1687)
Thy Boundless Love to Me" (1653)
the Very Thought of Thee" (12th Century)
Divine, All Love Excelling" (1747)
Savior, Precious Savior" (1870)
Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest" (1578)
the Cross of Christ I Glory" (1825)
Art the Way; to Thee Alone" (1824)
Savior, Come to Me" (1657)
Thou Art Mine Forever" (1863)
of God, We Fall before Thee" (1759)
Whose Glory Fills the Skies" (1740)
for a Thousand Tongues to Sing" (1739)
Jesus, King Most Wonderful" (12th Century)
Soul's Best Friend, What Joy and Blessing" (1692)
Our Redeemer's Glorious Name" (1760)
Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds" (1779)
I Will Never Leave" (1658)
Thing's Needful; Lord, This Treasure" (1697)
Thou Once Despised Jesus" (1757)
Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare" (1712)
Mankind Fell in Adam's Fall" (1524)
Hope is Built on Nothing Less" (1524)
Thy Blood and Righteousness" (1834)
Jesus' Blood and Merit" (1651)
Grace I'm Saved, Grace Free and Boundless" (1742)
'Tis a Charming Sound" (1755)
Thy Beloved Son, O God" (1630)
of Ages, Cleft for Me" (1776)
unto Us has Come" (1523)
that I Was, My Sin, My Guilt" (1845)
do Not Come Because My Soul" (1878)
Works, Not Mine, O Christ" (1857)
Know My Faith is Founded" (1718)
We Confess Our Numerous Faults" (1709)
Where Ye May to Find a Way" (1623)
How Great is Thy Compassion" (1671)
I have Found the Firm Foundation" (1727)
Savior Sinners Doth Receive" (1731)
Christians, One and All, Rejoice" (1523)
as I Am, without One Plea" (1836)
What These Hands have Done" (1861)
to the Cross, which Thou hast Blest" (1880)
Are the Sons of God" (1743)
Is the Man, Forever Blest" (1719)
God Shall Naught Divide Me" (1563)
Faith Looks Up to Thee" (1830)
God, Thou Faithful God" (1630)
for a Faith That Will Not Shrink" (1831)
Love, Who Madest Me to Wear" (1657)
Me, O Eternal Light" (1714)
Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower" (1657)
My Life and Let It Be" (1874)
to Thee and Adoration" (1689)
God, Forsake Me Not!" (1714)
Thy Dying Love" (1862)
What Return Has God, Thy Savior" (1673)
Gave My Life for Thee" (1858)
as Thou Wilt, Deal Thou with Me" (1574)
I Gladly Bid Thee" (1613)
"Jesus Christ, My Pride and Glory" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Us Ever Walk with Jesus" (1653)
Lead Thou On" (1778)
Eternity, O God" (1711)
We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfil" (1836)
Walk in Danger All the Way" (1734)
Man Is Ever Blest" (1719)
Many Shall Come From the East and the West" (1861)
that the Lord Would Guide My Ways" (1719)
Can I Thank Thee, Lord" (1648)
God, My Father, While I Stray" (1834-1839)
Jerusalem Thou Weepest" (1919)
Jesus, As Thou Wilt" (1704)
Follow Me, the Savior Spake" (1668)
I Follow On" (1862)
I My Cross Have Taken" (1824)
"My God, My Father, Make Me Strong" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Depends on Our Possessing" (1673)
Lord My Shepherd Is" (1719)
Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord" (1787)
Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus" (1874)
Thee I Love with All My Heart" (1567)
Is the World to Me" (1667)
King of Love My Shepherd Is" (1868)
"In Hope My Soul, Redeemed to Bliss Unending"
(Text not available. Still under copyright)
My Truth, My Way" (1749)
God of Jacob, by Whose Hand" (1737)
Spirit on Thy Care" (1834)
Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want" (1650)
Trusts in God, a Strong Abode" (1572)
Father, Heaven and Earth" (1867)
God of Mercy, God of Might" (1877)
Lead the Way the Savior Went" (1831)
Give Thee But Thine Own" (1854)
of Glory, Who hast Bought Us" (1864)
Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea" (1863)
To Arms! With Prayer Employ You" (1714)
I a Soldier of the Cross" (1721)
My Soul, to Watch and Pray" (1697)
the Good Fight with All Thy Might" (1863)
Life I s Here Our Portion" (c. 1145) Hymn 448
Soul, Be on Thy Guard" (1781)
of Christ, Arise" (1749)
Up!--Stand Up for Jesus" (1858)
Son of God Goes Forth to War" (1827)
Are the Lord's; His All-Sufficient Merit" (1843)
Is the Soul's Sincere Desire" (1818)
Heavenly Father, Hear" (1835)
Ny Soul, the Mercy Seat" (1779)
a Friend We Have in Jesus" (1865)
Father, Thou in Heaven Above" (1539)
My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare" (1779)
the Sure Foundation-Stone" (1719)
the Church Proclaims Her Honor" (1844)
Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" (1800)
All the Saints Who from Their Labors Rest" (1864)
Be the Tie That Binds" (1772)
Is Our Corner-Stone" (c. 700)
Thou Art the Sure Foundation" (c. 700)
on the Rock the Church doth Stand" (1837)
All Thy Saints, O Lord" (1837)
Things of Thee are Spoken" (1779)
"Rise Again, Ye Lion-Hearted" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
the Sound of Holy Voices" (1862)
Ye Children of Salvation" (1697)
Church's One Foundation" (1866)
Stands by Hills Surrounded" (1806)
Watchers and Ye Holy Ones" (1906)
Thousand Times Ten Thousand" (1867)
Jesus, Thou the Church's Head" (1726)
Saints on Earth and Those Above" (1709)
"Zion, Rise, Zion, Rise" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
of the Worlds Above" (1719)
the Night of Doubt and Sorrow" (1825)
"Dear Lord, to Thy True Servants Give" (Text
not available. Still under copyright)
of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets' Sons" (1884)
Bid Thee Welcome in the Name" (1825)
Jesus, Who art Come" (1741)
Thou Whose Feet have Climbed Life's Hill" (1891)
Beauteous are Their Feet" (1707)
of the Harvest, Hear" (1742)
of the Church, We Humbly Pray" (1836)
Out Thy Spirit from on High" (1832)
O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit" (19th century)
of the Living Harvest" (1866)
Who the Night in Prayer Didst Spend" (1862)
Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire" (1750)
Greenland's Icy Mountains" (1819)
the Voice of Jesus Crying" (1868)
Morning Light is Breaking" (1832)
Thou Light of Gentile Nations" (1885)
from Thy Sphere of Endless Day" (1840)
God Bestow on Us His Grace" (1524)
of the Cross, Arise" (1854)
of God, the Dawn is Brightening" (1849)
Crowned with Light, Imperial Salem, Rise" (1712)
Spirit of the Living God" (1823)
the Gloomy Hills of Darkness" (1772)
Thou, O Lord, to Every Place" (1888)
Oh, Spread, Thou Mighty Word" (1827)
Whose Almighty Word" (1813)
"There Still Is Room" (Text not available. Still
under copyright)
Sprinkle Many Nations" (1851)
Shall Reign Where'er the Sun" (1719)
Christ, Our True and Only Light" (1630)
Thou Weary, Art Thou Troubled" (1862)
Moves in a Mysterious Way" (1774)
Thou from Whom All Goodness Flows" (1791)
the Hour of Trial" (1834)
Will of God Is Always Best" (1554)
Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee" (1640)
'It Is Well!'" (1833)
Whatever Grieves Thee" (1656)
God Ordains Is Always Good" (1675)
in the Hour of Utmost Need" (1560)
Should Cross and Trial Grieve Thee" (1653)
Thee, Lord, have I Put My Trust" (1533)
Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams" (1696)
God, My Faithful God" (1607)
It Belongs Not to My Care" (1681)
God Himself Be For Me" (1656)
Leave All Things to God's Direction" (1685)
Ways, O Lord, with Wise Design" (1786)
Ye Disconsolate" (1816)
Way, Not Mine, O Lord" (1857)
My God, to Thee" (1841)
of My Life, to Thee I Call" (1779)
My Heart, Be Glad and Sing" (1653)
My Soul, and with the Sun" (1695)
Morning Mercies New" (1863)
the Shades of Night are Gone" (1799)
Thou Bright and Morning Star" (1684)
"With the Lord Begin Thy Task" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Blessed Holy Trinity" (1608)
Sun Arises Now" (1699)
Streaming from the Eastern Skies" (1813)
Yet the Morn is Breaking" (1618)
"The Morning Sun is Brightly Beaming" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Lovely Shines the Morning Star" (1640)
Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies" (1560)
Inmost Heart Now Raises" (1588)
Who Madest Earth and Heaven" (1644)
Splendor of God's Glory Bright" (397)
of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear" (1820)
with Me! Fast Falls the Eventide" (1847?)
the Day Thy Love hath Spared Us" (1806)
Rest Beneath Night's Shadow" (1648)
Day Is Past and Over" (c. 600)
God, Be with Us" (1566)
Even, When the Sun Did Set" (1868)
Praise to Thee, My God, This Night" (1695)
Christ, Who Art the Light and Day" (1848)
"Gracious God, Again is Ended" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
that the Day hath Reached Its Close" (1670)
Me Falls the Night" (1903)
Sun's Last Beam of Light is Gone" (1560)
Trinity, Most Blessed Light" (397)
Breathe an Evening Blessing" (1820)
by Heavenly Hosts Adored" (1860)
Lord, Whose Bounteous Hand Again" (?)
Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator" (1626)
Lord, I Sing With Lips and Heart" (1653)
Oh, Praise, Our God and King" (1623)
Our Father Does Is Well" (1720)
to God, Immortal Praise" (1772)
Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts We Raise" (1864)
Ye Thankful People, Come" (1844)
the Lord We Bow" (1832)
Eternal, Throned in Splendor" (1902)
Bless Our Native Land" (1834)
While for All Mankind We Pray" (1837)
Lord, before Thy Throne" (1756)
Thee, Our God, We Fly" (1871)
Ye Who on This Earth Do Dwell" (1648)
Lord of Sabaoth, Thou Who Ordainest" (1842)
King of Nations, Hear Our Prayer" (1838)
the Anthem, Raise the Song" (1799)
Fall Asleep in Jesus' Wounds" (1569)
Pilgrim and a Stranger" (1666)
in Jesus! Blessed Sleep" (1832)
Would Not Live Alway; I Ask Not to Stay" (1824)
How Blest Are Ye Whose Toils are Ended" (1635)
the Midst of Earthly Life" (1524)
I Live to Thee" (1850)
Know of a Sleep in Jesus' Name" (1861)
do We Mourn Departing Friends" (1707)
My Last Hour Is Close at Hand" (1562)
Shepherd, Thou hast Stilled" (1858)
"This Body in the Grave We Lay" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Me to Live Is Jesus" (1863)
Knows when Death May Overtake Me" (1686)
"My Course is Run, Praise God, My Course is Run"
(Text not available. Still under copyright)
Lord, My God, I Cry to Thee" (1572)
Men Living Are But Mortal" (1652)
Is Not Death to Die" (1832)
"In the Resurrection" (Text not available. Still
under copyright)
God, What do I See and Hear?" (1802)
World Is Very Evil" (c. 1140)
the Distant Mountains Breaking" (1863)
of Wrath, O Day of Mourning" (c. 1250)
Thoughtless Thousands Choose the Road" (1789)
Awake, for Night is Flying" (1599)
will the Judge Descend" (1755)
Day is Surely Drawing Near" (1586)
Day of Wrath, That Dreadful Day" (c. 1250)
the Golden" (c. 1140)
Thee, O Dear, Dear Country" (c. 1140)
Rest Remaineth for the Weary" (1730)
with the Lord" (1835)
Is an Hour of Peaceful Rest" (1818)
My Happy Home" (c. 1580)
Thou City Fair and High" (1626)
Who at Cana's Wedding-Feast" (1853)
Father, All Creating" (1876)
Voice that Breathed o'er Eden" (1857)
Perfect Love" (1884)
Blessed Home Where Man and Wife" (1861)
Blest the House, Whate'er Befall" (1782)
Happy Home Where Thou art Loved Most Dearly" (1833)
Savior, Gentle Shepherd" (1842)
of Tender Youth" (c. 200)
"Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
"Ye Parents, Hear What Jesus Taught" (Text not
available. Still under copyright)
Who Thy Flock art Feeding" (1826)
the Name which Earth and Heaven" (1871)
Lord of Hosts, Whose Glory Fills" (1844)
Jesus, from the Sapphire Throne" (1875)
in Thy Name, Eternal God" (1822)
Is the Lord, Our God" (1719)
on Thee, Our Only Lord" (1894)
Loud, Exalted Strains" (1774)
"For Many Years, O God of Grace" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
"God the Father, Son, and Spirit" (Text not available.
Still under copyright)
Thy Light, the Temple Filling" (1856)
O God, and Shine" (1813)
Father, in Thy Mercy" (1889)
God, from Whom All Blessings Flow" (1695)
a Branch is Growing" (c.1500)
Night! Holy Night!" (1818)
Little Town of Bethlehem" (1868)
Am Jesus' Little Lamb" (1778)
Savior, Pilot Me" (1871)
a Stranger at the Door" (1765)
Still, My Soul" (1752)
Lay My Sins on Jesus" (1843)
the Light has Gone Away" (1869)
the Day Is Over" (1865)
Pray Thee, Dear Lord Jesus" (1699)
a Host, Arrayed in White" (1760)
Savior" (1677)
Christian Soldiers" (1864)
Thy Children, God Most Holy" (1656)
But a Stranger Here" (1836)
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